How can employers best encourage better health among their employees - العلم نور


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الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2019

How can employers best encourage better health among their employees

How can employers best encourage better health among their employees?

How can employers best encourage better health among their employees
How can employers best encourage better health among their employees?

Google company is one of the biggest companies in the world, as it has a capital of 24 billion dollar, and it’s the most known company which highly concentrate on taking care of their employees’ health, and this is for a reason, as researches showed that when an employee is in better health and psychological conditions, he’ll be able to work in a more productive way, which will help in so many ways, but How can employers best encourage better health among their employees? Let’s see the answer in the following lines.

How can employers best encourage better health among their employees?

By following these steps employers guarantees better health for their employees:
·       Having a doctor in your workplace, to deal with any sudden crisis which may occur to any of the employees, also must schedule regular visits from a psychologist to your workplace to make sure that your employees have a good mental health which is very important.
·       Make sure to provide a health insurance for all of your employees.
·       Having a fridge full with different types of healthy food available for all employees in your workplace.
·       Make sure to have a smoke free area in your workplace or even better provide a smoking zone where it’s forbidden to smoke outside this area.

·       Help the employees to exercise, and this is by many methods such as: making a walking meeting where business is discussed while walking around blocks, or by providing a gym membership for employees, or having a simple exercise equipment.
·       Make sure that the employees don’t have to seat for long times during their working hours, as it causes so many problems.
·       Make a regular meeting to discuss any problems which the employees suffer from, and work on eliminate these problems in the future.
·       Advise overweighed employees to lose weight in such a matter that don’t hurt their feelings, and making a health program which aims to clarify health problems of overweighed and the healthy way to lose weight.
·       Making sure to give every employee you have enough attention which must be equal to the attention given to the other employees.
·       Make sure that the daily rest is enough for the employees to get the rest they need.

Advantages of giving the best encourage to have a better health among the employees

The advantages are:
·       Work will be done in a more efficient and fast way, as the employees will feel that they have to work their best to return the favor as the company is good with them, they have to be good with the company, and earn their position.
·       There will be fewer number of sick leave, as the employees will have a better health and this will help them avoid getting sick many times during the year, and this means more working hours, and more labor force for the company.
·       There will be a much better environment between the employees which would increase the cooperation between them, and benefit the company in the end.

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