Does owning your own business really make a better career - العلم نور


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الجمعة، 6 ديسمبر 2019

Does owning your own business really make a better career

Does owning your own business really make a better career?

Does owning your own business really make a better career?
Does owning your own business really make a better career?

In the past few years we noticed many people starting their own business. Sometimes because of the bad economy and lack of job opportunities, or other personal reasons such as: health problems, special family circumstances or psychological problems. But the important question which we try to answer here is: Does owning your own business really make a better career?

Do you have a good business idea?

This is the first question you should ask yourself, and the most important one. As sometimes the good idea could get you money without making such effort you do when you are an employee, and this is a great advantage. But how you know you have a good idea? Easy answer you ask people around you and notice their reactions about that idea. Like if you want to open a restaurant in a certain place, then you have people’s opinion about the most perfect place to open the restaurant where there’s no competition and many possible costumers.

Advantages of owning you own business

Well, like everything else, owning your business has many advantages and disadvantages, and you must choose whether or not you take the risk. Now, we will mention the advantages of owning your own business:
·       You don’t have a boss. Which is a great advantage in my opinion as you don’t need to get someone else approval on an idea you have, or you need to do the business as he says even if it’s wrong, or it’s not the best way to do it.
·       You don’t need to get promoted. Promotions are such a great thing for employees, as they compete with each other everyday and this may have a bad affect on their health or get them away from their families and even wore the strict conditions of work may forbid them from making a family in the first place.
·       You follow your own passion. Many people work in places they don’t like, or working environments where they only feel negative energy, and this may kill their passion as they have to follow certain rules, which never change, and routine may devastate them, but owning your own business will guarantee that you will enjoy your work whenever it’s and wherever it’s.
·       You will make much money that you would never make when you are an employee, when you make your own profitable business you will make huge amounts of money and it’ll be all yours, but as an employee all the work you do will get others much money and you will get a fixed salary satisfies your living needs parley.

The disadvantages of owning your own business

You get to the dark side of owning your own business, and this is because:
·       Owning your own business may make you work for many hours even more you need to work as an employee, but as a consolation this would be in the beginning of this business after that things are most likely get easier.
·        It’s a great risk, owning your own business is a good thing, but are you sure it’s going to work as you imagined? Well you will have to invest much money in it and in many cases you will have to leave your currently job, and it’s a great risk as we see every day many projects fail.

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